Headteacher's Welcome

Mr D O'Kane

Riverbank College is a special school for 11-19 year olds, with a range of special educational needs, including Moderate Learning Difficulties, Severe Learning Difficulties, Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties and Speech and language Communication disorders. We are a warm and welcoming school, which places student well-being and safety at the top of our provision.

Unlike many special schools, Riverbank Academy is a co-located school with Southstone Community High School Being co-located promotes an inclusive ethos and widens the curriculum offer and opportunities for our students.

We have three core values at Riverbank which represent the heart of our school. We are a caring, creative and motivated school. We are a caring community and work respectfully together. We offer a creative and engaging curriculum that encourages creative thinking and creative work. We are a motivated school determined to succeed in a highly productive and dynamic environment.

We want to continue providing outstanding experiences, opportunities and outcomes for all our students which is why our main priority this year surrounds the continued development of our curriculum. We believe in learning inside and outside of the classroom and want to build upon our fantastic facilities which includes a hydrotherapy pool, forest school, sensory garden, expressive arts studio and sensory room.

Princethorpe Way, Binley, Coventry CV3 2QD 

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